Yoga is the group of mental, physical, and spiritual exercises that offer gazillion benefits to the practitioners. It is any day better than the other exercise systems like pilates and especially gymnasiums. While many people rate gym workouts above yoga, these benefits of yoga might wander their mind and convince them that yoga is the best form of exercise that not only improves our physical health but also our mental health. 15 reasons as to why yoga is better than gym for weight loss are given below. 1. Yoga Benefits the Mind, Body, and Spirit. A gym workout is only focused on improving your physical health and toning up your body. It may help you achieve weight loss temporarily but, it doesn't help in the longer run. Yoga is the exercise system that not only helps to improve your physical health but also your mental and spiritual health. It helps to tone your body, relaxes your mind and infuses your spirit with a positive energy at the same time. 2. Yoga Be...