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Can Weight Loss Reverse Diabetes?

Approximately, 422 million people are affected with type 2 diabetes globally.6 People are dependent on medications prescribed by doctors to control their blood sugar levels.  

But, it has been found that weight loss is linked to decreased incidences of diabetes. In a study, people, who were on a weight-loss diet plan for 6 months, lost at least 30 pounds with no sign of diabetes.

This research shows that weight loss can reverse diabetes in a matter of weeks. To reverse type 2 diabetes, you need to give dedication and time. For this, the results can be rewarding without starving and sweating at the gym. This article tells about the same in detail.   

How Diabetes Progresses?

It is important to understand obesity. Obesity leads to type 2 diabetes, which is the most common type. This follows a pattern as listed below:
  • High-calorie diet that is due to refined carbohydrates.
  • Due to the intake of food high in carbs, the level of insulin in the bloodstream rises.
  • You gain weight around your belly
  • Due to the increase of insulin in your bloodstream, the blood cells become insulin resistant with increased body weight.
  • You gain excessive weight as a result of high insulin.
  • When the body becomes insulin resistant, the blood sugar levels increase, especially after your meals.
  • To fight with the increasing level of blood sugar, the pancreas produces more insulin.
  • High blood sugar makes you feel lethargic the whole day, and you feel hungrier.
  • When you feel hungry, then you tend to eat more, which leads to weight gain and makes you feel lethargic.
  • Less active lifestyle and overeating leads to excessive weight gain.
  • Due to less insulin, the body demands more of it, which stresses pancreas that eventually gets damaged.

Can Type Two Diabetes Be Reversed Permanently?

Yes, type 2 diabetes can be reversed or cured permanently. For that, you need to reduce the stress of your cells that produce insulin.

Studies reveal these effective ways to reverse this chronic disease:

What Food to Eat to Reverse Diabetes?

A diabetic patient needs to follow a diabetic diet, the best and worst foods to eat.
The lesser you eat food rich in carbs, the body reduces the production of insulin, making the body less resistant towards it.

In a study people, who consumed low-carb Mediterranean diet were able to break the cycle of diabetes. These people followed this diet for a year and 15% of them were able to completely get rid of diabetes, whereas 5% of them observed results after 6 months. This was a stunning result, which proved that weight loss can help reverse diabetes.

This study was also tried with foods that are low in fat, but it did not show such satisfactory results.

Summing Up :

Many people question themselves whether type two diabetes be reversed by diet and weight loss? Some facts and figures are presented here to help you know about it.

Even Dr. David, a physician, shares his findings about the topic. He says that how his diabetic patients after going on a low-carb diet were completely cured of diabetes by losing weight.  


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