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Myths and Facts About STDs and Importance of Safe Sex

We are living in the age when children get to learn about sex even faster than we think of. Whether it is from the Internet or from TV, they get information about sex and soon they uncover more and more information out of their curiosity. No matter how hard you try, they are going to find information regarding it. You can't stop it, but what you can do is educate them about it.

You might think of it as an embarrassing situation, but it is important because surely you won't want your child to get misguided about sex and get into something serious such as a sexually transmitted disease (STD). It is important to teach children about sex and STDs so that they understand every aspect of it and perform safe sex.

Also, the education about STDs is important for adults too, as there are a very few people that understand STDs that seriously affect the lives of those, who are already suffering from these. This is why it is important to clear all the myths about STDs and to educate people about the importance of safe sex, so that they can live a healthier life. Following are some of the myths and the actual facts about STDs:

Myth: “Oral sex can't cause any STD and it is completely okay!”

Fact: Well, the truth is that oral sex is equally as risky as penetrative sex when it comes to STDs. No matter whether you had vaginal intercourse with your partner or not, oral sex can cause STD, especially in case your partner has bleeding gums or open sores. However, using a condom or a dental dam can protect you from transferring virus, but still there are chances of getting infected. The best advice is to get tested if you observe any symptoms of a STD.

Also Read: Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)/AIDS – Symptoms, Tests & Prevention

Myth: “It is easy to know whether me or my partner has STD”

Fact: Many times, sexually active people just go through web and see the symptoms of various STDs and conclude, “Oh I've none of them, I'm completely fine”. Well, in reality, there are times, when these STDs have no symptoms and sometimes, symptoms take years to surface and you might not even realize that you have an STD. This is the reason why you should never take things lightly and get tested and also help your partner to get tested, so that both of you can lead a healthy life along with sexual pleasure.

Myth: “No man my partner doesn't have herpes, we aren't at any risk”

Fact: Most of the time, people don't believe that their partner has herpes because they can't see any symptom of it on their body. Well, the WHO's has a totally opposite thing to suggest on this matter. According to the organization, about 140 million people between the age of 15-49 were found to have herpes as per a 2012 report. This means that there are chances that your partner might be suffering from herpes and you might not even realize because the symptoms haven't shown up yet. So, the best thing is to prevent by getting yourself and your partner tested.

Also Read: Genital Herpes – Causes, Symptoms, Risk Factors and Treatment

Myth: “I forgot the condom, I guess this plastic bag will do the job”

Fact: Most people believe that condoms are only used for covering the penis, so that there is no actual contact between the penis and inside of the vagina. This is the reason why when some people can't find a condom, they simply use a polythene or plastic bag a s a replacement. But, the truth is that plastic bags have small pores that makes them ineffective to protect against STDs. So, if you don't have a condom, just go to a nearby pharmacy and get one. Also, if you have already tried a plastic bag in the past, just get yourself tested to make sure that you don’t have one.

Myth: “Semen is the only way to get infected”

Fact: This is one of the most common myths that only the contact with semen can cause STDs. However, there are some STDs, such as herpes and syphilis that don't require contact with semen to be transmitted from one person to another. They can even get transmitted because of physical contact with the sores. If you had any kind of contact with the sores of your partner when they are suffering from any of these infections, the best advice is to get tested and treated as soon as possible.

Myth: “Contraceptive Pills means no STDs”

Fact: Many people believe that contraceptive pills can protect them against STDs. But, the fact is that the sole purpose of contraceptive pills is to prevent pregnancy. There is no association of contraceptive pills with the prevention of STDs. So, if recently you have had an unsafe sex, better not be ignorant and get tested, so that you can stay healthy and be safe from getting infected.

Myth: “That's not HIV, just some chlamydia or gonorrhea maybe, it’ll go away on its own”

Fact: Although these are curable, chlamydia and gonorrhea don't go away on their own and require medical attention. No matter how busy you are in your everyday life, you must give time to yourself and get them treated as soon as possible instead of being ignorant. If not treated, these can cause serious, long-term sexual health problems, eventually disturbing your sex life forever. So, if you are getting yourself tested for chlamydia or gonorrhea, you can be better get treated with the condition, even some antibiotics will be a good step though.

Also Read: Chlamydia: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Prevention and Treatment

Myth: “I'm going to use two condoms and there will never be any STD”

Fact: This might sound like a perfect plan, but physics actually don't approve this. Why? Because when you use two condoms, they get rubbed with each other when you move, which can cause friction between the two, that may result in the tearing down of either or both the condoms; thereby, increasing you your risk of getting an STD. So, instead of getting very creative, just use one condom at a time and enjoy your sex life with pleasure and reduced risk of problems.

Well, these were some of the most common myth about STDs and now you know the actual facts, so it is clear that you aren't falling again in the trap of these myths, no matter even if someone insists you.

Read More:

15 Surprising Sex Facts You Had No Idea About

All About STDs and Importance of Safe Sex

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